Friday, December 16, 2011

No Time! No Time!

No time. This is the number one reason I hear from teachers regarding the reluctance to try a new tech tool in the classroom.

"I'd love to try Google Docs, but I don't have time to learn it first."

"That's really cool. My students would love that....maybe next semester."

"Twitter? I'm sure the students will know more than me!"

One of the big challenges I face each day as an educator and a digital literacy teacher is the lack of time. We are all busy, busy people with no time to investigate new digital tools that could be used to engage and support student learning in the classroom.

So make time.  So reallocate time! Pick one new  digital tool that you would like to investigate and dedicate 15 minutes to it.

15 min. before you go to bed at night.

15 min. while waiting for the bus (oh, wait. The buses are still on strike. You can dedicate 45 min now!)

15 min. while waiting for your son/daughter's 5th skating/dance/hockey/swimming lesson of the week to end.

Now's the time. Start here.

Commoncraft videos make complex concepts easier to understand. Everything from Google Docs to Twitter to Zombies. The videos are all approximately 2 1/2 min. long.

Wow. That would leave you 12 1/2 min. to peruse the Internet for ways to use your newly discovered digital tool in the classroom!!

Once you are hooked, head over to CoolTech4Teachers and look into hundreds of ways to use the digital tool in the classroom.

1 comment:

  1. I got behind in my blog reading but now I am all caught up! I can't wait to try out some of the tools you have suggested. I haven't heard of a lot of them so I will make sure I take my 15 minutes to explore some of the new ones.

    You are truly an amazing digital literacy teacher!! I bow down to you ;-)
